- All
- Kiln formed glass
- Wall dividers
- Windows
- doors
- mosaic
Contemporary front door stained glass “Shapes”
Contemporary kiln-cast art glass mural Resurrection
Modern stained and leaded glass interior door lights Catherine
Modern design fused art glass Stream
Gorgeous modern fused art glass divider Aurora
2 abstract modern stained glass windows Aigul
Modern stained glass front door Crystal Geometry
2 Modern art abstract leaded glass windows, Geometric Art of Random Lines
Modern stained and leaded glass wall divider The Emerald Stream
Contemporary stained glass octagon window Marion
2 contemporary art glass windows Stir up the Fire
Modern double door entrance system On the Edge of the Line
Contemporary abstract smalti mosaic panel The Wave
Contemporary abstract stained glass wall divider The Wave
3 contemporary stained glass hangings In Pam’s Garden
Abstract modern stained glass art The Geometry of Stars
3 modern stained glass design hangings Spiral Run
Modern design stained glass oval window Irine
5 Contemporary abstract stained and leaded glass hangings
Floral design stained and leaded glass window
Contemporary art line design window Andrea
Modern entrance double front door inserts Sandy
Abstract stained and leaded glass Sandy
Stunning fused glass modern abstract window The Waterfall
Modern stained leaded glass window Amber
Charming classically inspired leaded glass landing window
Abstract stained glass door transom The Geometry of Stars
Classic beveled stained glass windows design Alexei
Classically modern bathroom windows Nick & Helen
Classically modern front entrance double door Nick & Helen
Modern art abstract leaded glass front door, Geometric Art of Random Lines
Modern abstract stained glass window Splash
Contemporary abstract art glass panel Blue Splash
Classic leaded glass windows for a dining room Mississauga Rd
Abstract textured kiln formed glass wall divider
Contemporary abstract kiln-cast glass wall divider
Modern textured kiln cast glass wall divider
Large scale kiln cast glass mural for a school chapel in Mississauga
Modern large scale glass mural over cast glass blocks
Fused art glass mural detail with beautiful cast texture and glass movement
Modern art glass mural
Contemporary abstract kiln formed glass mural
Modern art glass kiln formed glass windows
Modern abstract fused glass windows
Large kiln-formed art glass mural
Large kiln-formed wall mural
Contemporary stained and leaded glass window
Spiral run
Stained and leaded glass windows for a dining room
Spiral run
Stained and leaded glass windows for a dining room
Spiral run
Contemporary stained glass art windows
Spiral run
Stained and leaded glass windows for a dining room
The geometry of stars
Stained and leaded transom window
The geometry of stars
Modern stained and leaded transom window
The geometry of stars
Contemporary stained and leaded transom window
In Pam's Garden
Modern stained and leaded glass windows
Modern stained and leaded glass family room windows
Contemporary stained and leaded glass windows for a family room
Modern contemporary stained and leaded glass windows
Modern abstract stained and leaded glass windows
Stir up the fire
Contemporary stained and leaded glass windows for a family room
Geometric art of random lines
Contemporary abstract leaded glass window
Geometric art of random lines
Mississauga RD
Classic stained and leaded glass window with beveled glass
Contemporary stained and leaded glass entrance door
contemporary stained leaded glass window for the entrance hall of a modern custom built residence
Modern abstract stained glass door window
Contemporary stained glass doors
The geometry of stars
Modern stained grass door with transom
Crystal geometry
Modern contemporary art glass front door
Crystal geometry
Contemporary geometric front door
Crystal geometry
Modern design stained glass front door
Crystal geometry
Modern geometric design stained glass door
Contemporary art glass stained and leaded glass doors
Nick & Helen
Classically inspired stained glass doors
The emerald stream
Contemporary stained glass wall divider
The emerald stream
Contemporary stained and leaded glass wall divder
The wave
Contemporary stained glass wall divider
The wave
Contemporary modern stained and leaded glass wall divider
the wave
modern white smalti mosaic
the wave
contemporary s
glass mosaic
Modern large oval leaded glass skylight
Contemporary minimal design large leaded glass ceiling
Gorgeous contemporary leaded glass skylight
Contemporary abstract architectural art textured cast glass panels with explosive textures and cast rocks